Welcome to Rose Hollow, a beautiful community nestled in Yardley, Bucks County, featuring 190 condominiums in the Pennsbury School District. The Rose Hollow community also offers an outdoor pool, tennis courts, and a clubhouse.
Residents will enjoy the ease of accessing daily necessities and local destinations such as the Delaware Canal State Park, Shady Brook Farm, Sesame Place, Washington Crossing State Park, and Oxford Valley Mall. Yardley Borough provides fine dining, yoga studios, shopping, and everything in between!
Rose Hollow offers a premier location for those who travel, commute or just want to explore the surrounding cities. Easy access to the Pennsylvania Turnpike and I-95 allows for easy commutes into Philadelphia, New Jersey or New York. The nearby train station provides a convenient travel option.
The Association is managed by Continental Property Management (C.P.M.) and their office is located at 975 Easton Road, Suite 102, Warrington, PA 18976. Their telephone number is (215) 343-1550.
Messages from the Board
All units will be getting a new roof and gutters . This will be done in two Phases with completion in 2025.
The units listed as Phase Two will receive some preliminary information in their doors in Spring . You will receive more information just prior to your building date when the work is to be done .
Reminder for snow removal. Resident is responsible for driveway and walkway to the front door. The landscapers will remove snow from the driveway apron and in front of mailboxes AFTER the sidewalks and paths are cleared. It does take time for the aprons to be done so if you need to get out you may have to shovel it on your own. Trucks MAY be moved to the driveways so the township can plow the roads properly but must be moved back after the plowing is completed. Snow removal usually begins after it has stopped snowing.
Topic: Rose Hollow meeting
Time: Jan 27, 2025 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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2023/2024 Holiday Trash Schedule
Be sure to sign up for email blasts to get information right away for important announcements.
Reminder: When there is a holiday on a Monday the regular trash AND the recycle will be delayed by one day.
Signs will be posted at front entrances a few days prior to landscaper applying treatments to the lawn. Please look for these if you want to take any precautions with children and pets.